Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday, Samantha Grace!!

Can you believe she's 3 already?? I can't. It's amazing how fast time flies. To think 3 years ago Chris and I went thru the hardest/greatest experience of our lives. At that time, we were barely able to think 1 day ahead, let alone years later. She is truly our miracle baby.
For her birthday she got a little play cottage. She adores this present (and so does Mommy because she'll play in it for hours).

In the middle of her birthday dinner Sami decided to climb up on her Pop Pop's lap and give him a kiss. This picture is priceless. Can you tell she has him wrapped around her finger.
Daddy and his little princess.


The Ross Family said...

Love it! She is beautiful...such a gift!

Sue said...

Is Chris e-baying on Sami's b-day?