Saturday, January 3, 2009

"Mommy, I heard Santa's reindeers last night."

I woke up to Sami at my door saying, "Mommy I heard Santa's reindeer last night." I then asked her what she heard and she told me, " I heard their bells." Those sentences pretty much summarize the spirit of Christmas. I guess there really is a Santa Claus.

Chris had to work on Christmas so we celebrated on Christmas Eve.
I had to keep the kids upstairs all morning till Chris got home. Talk about "Mission Impossible" but I did it. It was all worth it to see the look on the kids faces when they saw their presents.

Can you guess which was Sami's favorite? She refused to get
out of her truck and the only way we could get her to open her other presents was to let her do it while sitting in it.

Daddy feeling like the luckiest Daddy in the whole wide world.

Mommy feeling pretty lucky too.

Her second favorite gift: a Dora Bouncy Ball. Look at those
pigtails, need I say more.

My family. The best Christmas present of all.


The Ross Family said...

I can't believe how time flies! You all look so happy!

The Ross Family said...

it's me again! Please continue to post! I love to be nosey!!!!
