Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sami's 1st Soccer Game

If you ever want a good laugh you have to watch Pee Wee Soccer. I signed Sami up for a 6 week soccer program. She was so excited about playing soccer she was wide awake at 6am. Justin was also pretty excited - he's officially an assitant coach.
As you can see she took the game very seriously. This is her picking some grass during the middle of the game. Just a few minutes earlier, during the break Sami and the other girls on her team decided to do some of their ballet moves on the field - I couldn't stop laughing.
Sami was made goalie during the 2nd quarter. As you can see she was taking her job very seriously. You couldn't tell by this picture but she actually blocked a goal a few minutes later!
This is her running the wrong way but who cares, she was having fun!

Baby Belly

My belly at 7 1/2 months.
Baby "Fifi" (Sami's nickname for my belly and we've been using it because we still can't agree on a name) will be coming a bit early. Her original due date is Nov. 7 but because mommy is having such a difficult pregnancy "Fifi" will be coming in the middle of Oct. Daddy and I better pick a name soon or else "Fifi" will be on the birth certificate - haha.

Sami's 1st Ballet Recital

After an "intense" 5 week ballet class Sami had her 1st recital. It was adorable! When Sami came out on stage with her class she immediately spotted her Grandma in the back of the auditorium. She proceeded to wave her hands and call out "Grandma I over here. Hi Grandma". The entire room broke out laughing.

A Day at the Beach

Grandma Cathy and I took Sami to the beach. She had a blast! She kept trying to jump over the waves.

Love this picture!

Grandma Pat Comes for a Visit

We took the kids to Downtown Disney and had lunch at Goofy's Kitchen. The kids loved it, so did Grandma Pat.

Can you tell she was having fun?

Sami was so excited to see Belle and Snow White.

Bass Lake

This summer we went to Bass Lake for a week. Chris' mom, Aunt Connie & Family & Jesse with his family joined us. It was the best vacation.

I love this picture of Justin. Chris took it while they were doing an 8 1/2 mile hike in Yosemite.

Jesse brought his boat so we went on it everyday. We thought Sami would be scared of the boat at first but she loved it. She kept telling Jesse to "go faster" and when he did she'd say, "my hair is gettting all crazy".

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day at the Firehouse

Chris had to work this Father's Day so I brought the kids to him. They love spending the day at the firehouse.

Too cute.

Daddy and his other "crew"

The whole family including Baby Sherwood in mommy's belly.

A little girl and her hero - her Daddy.

"Mommy, Do I look beautiful?"

The other morning Sami comes out of her room after getting dressed and asks, "Mommy, Do I look beautiful?". I may be a bit bias but I told her she was "the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world!". It's moments like this that I love having a little girl.

Sami's 1st Day at School

Sami was so excited to start preschool. After we moved I signed her up at our local community center. It's only 2 days a week for 2 1/2 hours. She adores it!!!!! This is her waiting for breakfast that morning.

Sami getting ready to leave. She's getting so BIG! Daddy went out and bought her her first lunch bag, Hannah Montana - Sami's Favorite Singer.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Hippty Hop, the Easter Bunny visited Sami

The day before Easter Sami colored Easter eggs.
She had so much fun!

I think it is safe to say she's my daughter.
Just like her Mommy she has OCD.
She did not like the thought of eggs being more than one color. Each egg could only be one color. She thought it was
too messy.

That was one busy Easter bunny. Sami had a total of 3 Easter egg hunts on Sunday. The first was at home. Then she was invited to Caleb, Sue & Nate's house for her second Easter egg hunt.

Last but not least, Grandma's house.

Talk about hitting the jackpot. Of course the 3 year old finds all the eggs with money in it ($15. total) and she was just tossing them to the side to find the ones with candy.

Exciting News!!!!

Sami got to make the big announcement.....she's going to be a BIG sister.
Baby Sherwood is due at the end of October.

Monday, February 16, 2009

"Sleeping Booty, It's me Yami"

For Samantha's birthday I took Justin and her to Disney. They had the best time.

Justin was so amazing. He carried Sami on his shoulders for most of the day.

For dinner I tookthe kids to Goofy's Kitchen. While you're eating dinner the characters walk up to your table and talk to you. Well, when Sami saw Sleeping Beauty at another table she proceeded to stand on her chair and waved down Sleeping Beauty by saying (well, actually it was more like screaming), "Sleeping Booty, It's me Yami. It's my birthday"!

Too cute!

Justin is such a good sport.

Can you tell she had a fun birthday?

Happy 3rd Birthday, Samantha Grace!!

Can you believe she's 3 already?? I can't. It's amazing how fast time flies. To think 3 years ago Chris and I went thru the hardest/greatest experience of our lives. At that time, we were barely able to think 1 day ahead, let alone years later. She is truly our miracle baby.
For her birthday she got a little play cottage. She adores this present (and so does Mommy because she'll play in it for hours).

In the middle of her birthday dinner Sami decided to climb up on her Pop Pop's lap and give him a kiss. This picture is priceless. Can you tell she has him wrapped around her finger.
Daddy and his little princess.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

"Mommy, I heard Santa's reindeers last night."

I woke up to Sami at my door saying, "Mommy I heard Santa's reindeer last night." I then asked her what she heard and she told me, " I heard their bells." Those sentences pretty much summarize the spirit of Christmas. I guess there really is a Santa Claus.

Chris had to work on Christmas so we celebrated on Christmas Eve.
I had to keep the kids upstairs all morning till Chris got home. Talk about "Mission Impossible" but I did it. It was all worth it to see the look on the kids faces when they saw their presents.

Can you guess which was Sami's favorite? She refused to get
out of her truck and the only way we could get her to open her other presents was to let her do it while sitting in it.

Daddy feeling like the luckiest Daddy in the whole wide world.

Mommy feeling pretty lucky too.

Her second favorite gift: a Dora Bouncy Ball. Look at those
pigtails, need I say more.

My family. The best Christmas present of all.

Yummy Christmas Cookies

We're baking cookies again, but this time they're for Santa.

Sami taking a moment to pose for the camera. I told you she was a ham.

I love this picture. No matter how many times you tell Sami "no" she definitely has her own agenda. This is her "drinking" the holiday sprinkles directly out of the container.
So much for not contaminating the food. I don't think Santa will mind, at least I hope not.

The final product: Yummy cookies for Santa. Don't worry we didn't forget Santa's reindeer. Sami & Justin sprinkled oatmeal on the front lawn for them.