Monday, April 27, 2009

Hippty Hop, the Easter Bunny visited Sami

The day before Easter Sami colored Easter eggs.
She had so much fun!

I think it is safe to say she's my daughter.
Just like her Mommy she has OCD.
She did not like the thought of eggs being more than one color. Each egg could only be one color. She thought it was
too messy.

That was one busy Easter bunny. Sami had a total of 3 Easter egg hunts on Sunday. The first was at home. Then she was invited to Caleb, Sue & Nate's house for her second Easter egg hunt.

Last but not least, Grandma's house.

Talk about hitting the jackpot. Of course the 3 year old finds all the eggs with money in it ($15. total) and she was just tossing them to the side to find the ones with candy.

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