Sunday, December 28, 2008

Finally.....Snow in the Desert!

As everyone knows I'm from NY where it snows in
the winter, like its suppose to.
Well this year it was the first time I wasn't
able to get home and I figure God felt sorry
for me so he made it snow just for me.

You can only imagine how
happy I was to see snow.
For once, it felt like winter.

The kids weren't the only ones who enjoyed the snow.

Sami absolutely loved playing in the snow.
She had several snow ball fights, made 3 snowmen and 1 snow angel.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sam the Ham

Lately Sam is being such a Ham.

Everyday she cracks us up with something new.
She loves making up her own songs, singing & dancing around the house and taking silly pictures (as you can see).

She's quite talented and I would like to say she gets it all from me!
By the way, the double sunglass look is the lastest winter fashion - Hahaha

When ever she's done with one of her "performances" she always bows and says, "Thank you, thank you very much". How cute is that?

The Holidays are Here!!!

Can you believe it's that
time of the year, already.

This Thanksgiving
Chris & I
continued our
tradition and had
Thanksgiving at
our house.

Can you believe this
is just the "immediate" family....

The Sherwoods - November 2008