Monday, November 22, 2010

Emily's 1st Birthday

Our Little Ladybug Turns 1!

All the kids made Ladybugs

We had sac races - the kids loved them!

The Last 9 Months in Review (I know, I'm terrible, but I've been busy)

All my babies. I am so blessed.
Justin 14 yrs old, Sami 4 years old & Emily 4 mts old

Spring has Sprung!

Emily's 1st Easter

Sami catching her 1st fish. Chris took the kids fishing at the lake and Sami caught the biggest fish! She was so exictied until she saw the fish. Then she got scared and made Justin reel it in.

Boston Baby!

While we were in NY, we drove up to Boston for a couple of days. Cathy had never been there and I knew she would love it. We had so much fun. Boston is my FAVORITE city (after NYC, of course)

Emily's Baptism.

Keeping with tradition,Emily was baptized at the same church I was baptized in.

I love this picture. This was taken in Mommy's backyard.

4th of July

Beach Bums
Apple Picking & Pumpking Picking

Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Mommy, Look! I Can Hoolie Hoop!"

Sami : "Mommy, Look! I Can Hoolie Hoop!"
Mommy: "OK, let me see you do it."

Sami: "Mommy, are you watching?
Here I go."

Sami: "Ta Da, Mommy. I'm a Hoolie Hoop Ballerina."

It's moments like this that are priceless.

Sami turns 4!

For Sami's 4th birthday we had a Strawberry Shortcake themed party. It was the cutest party ever! We went strawberry crazy. We had peanut butter & strawberry jelly sandwiches, strawberry lemonade & made strawberry short cakes. And, all her little girl friends wore something with strawberries on it. Everyone had a blast, especially Sami. I can't believe my precious little girl is already 4 - where does the time go?
Oh, and how could I forget, a stawberry shortcake birthday cake:)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Merry Christmas to All!

Emily on Christmas morning. Look at that smile!
She was so excited to see what Santa had brought her.

Sami was so perfect this Chrismas. She waited patiently as all the kids took turns opening presents. And after opening each one of her gifts she would gasp and say,
"I always wanted this!"

Thanksgiving, and boy do we have a lot to be thankful for.

Emily turned 6 weeks on Thanksgiving and we are so thankful for our little angel.

Chris' nickname for Em is "Chunk". And as you can see in this picture, she is definitely chunky. Look at those cheeks!
We continued our tradition and had Thanksgiving at our house. This was the first holiday in our new home. Although it's getting tight, because our family continues to grow, we wouldn't have it any other way.

Halloween 2009

The night before Halloween Chris and his girls carved some pumpkins. Sami's looked like Mickey Mouse because she was Minnie Mouse for Halloween.

This Halloween Justin decided to wear Chris' old El Toro turn out gear. I can't believe he fits in it. Justin is getting so big. I can't believe that he's about to turn 14 - where does the time go?

Em, our little Bumblebee - too cute.